Is renting ruining your future?

A man and woman sit together in a bright kitchen, both with serious expressions, holding a key labeled "for sale." Is renting ruining your future?

Are you tired of lining your landlord’s pockets with rent payments that seem to vanish into thin air? You’re not alone. A whopping 70% of aspiring homeowners, according to a new Bank of America report, feel like renting is a dead end for their financial future. Even scarier, 72% worry that rent increases could wreak […]

US Consumer Confidence Retreated in February

Two pictures of a house and a field with flowers under sunny weather.

Spring is here and it looks like people are feeling a little less sunshine-y about the economy. A survey by The Conference Board found that consumer confidence took a dip in February, after three months of feeling good. Here’s the thing: people are worried about the whole inflation situation, even though food and gas aren’t […]